
All the latest from the HigherEd team

Create Your Own State of the Art MOOC

Higher Education 4.0 have developed a guide to support ATU Academics in developing their own MOOC.

What are MOOCs?

MOOC stands for Massive-Open-Online-Course, these are short, mostly unaccredited courses that are free for members of the public to access. MOOCs provide a very effective means of training large groups of people and can also provide students with an introduction to topics covered by more formal programmes of study.  As MOOCs are increasing in popularity the Higher Education 4.0 Instructional Design team have put together a toolkit and questionaire to support academics who want to develop their own MOOCs.

How is Higher Education 4.0 Supporting MOOC Development?

Working closely with industry and ATU academic staff we have selected key areas that will benefit from the development of MOOCs, this will mean that students, from any location, will be able to access specific ATU content for free and ATU registered students will have access to an extensive platform of training courses. The Higher Education 4.0 Instructional design team have also put together a toolkit and questionnaire that will support other academic staff and industry professionals who would like to create their own MOOCs.

“Our Instructional Design team has created a MOOC development toolkit. This provides basic tips and internal and external staff questionnaires.  This will support MOOC developers to move from the approval phase into the planning phase of their project.”

Louise Kearins, Senior Instructional Designer for the Higher Education 4.0

How Can I Develop a MOOC for My Subject Area?

If you would like to develop a MOOC in your subject area the Instructional Design team have put together an evidence based MOOC development guide and toolkit.

Follow this link to access the toolkit and questionnaire or contact Higher Education 4.0 Innovation Manager Noel Mulkeen ( for further details .

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